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Informations clés
  • Offre en interim : Master Thesis at Dynapac, Karlskrona
  • Société : Dynapac
  • Date de publication : 15/01/2025
  • Reference de l'offre : DYN-KKA-098
  • Type de contrat : Interim

Dynapac est un fournisseur leader de solutions durables pour la construction routière. Dynapac propose à ses clients des produits innovants en compactage, pose d'enrobés et équipements compacts. La vision de Dynapac est d'être le allié mondial préféré de ses partenaires pour les solutions de construction routière. Dynapac fait partie du Groupe FAYAT.
Description de l'offre

Sustainable Product Development at Dynapac

Dynapac Compaction Equipment AB is a Swedish multinational engineering company and one of the world's largest manufacturers of compaction machines. Our ambition is to strengthen our competitiveness by focusing on sustainable product development. Our solutions enable sustainability transitions in civil engineering, and we ourselves are also facing transition challenges towards a non-toxic and circular economy.

Thesis work: Environmental footprint of a roller

On our journey towards sustainable product development, we want to work with life-cycle assessment (LCA) to establish a baseline when it comes to the environmental impact of our products. This thesis aims to verify the most important environmental impacts of a vibratory roller with help of LCA.

Proposed steps

Define LCA method and boundaries based on standards, previous work at Dynapac and knowledge from similar products.

Propose data points for environmental footprint and method for calculation.

Perform an LCA for a Dynapac roller, collect data, calculate impact.

Identify topics of high environmental impact.

      Formulaire de réponse à l’offre

      Télécharger un cv

      Taille max. de 1 Mo. Formats acceptés : doc, docx, pdf, rtf.

      Télécharger une lettre de motivation

      Taille max. de 1 Mo. Formats acceptés : doc, docx, pdf, rtf.

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